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CERT in Foster City

Foster City is divided into 3 Districts (A, B and C). Each District is comprised of 3 Neighborhoods, for a total of 9 Neighborhoods

(numbered 1 through 9).

Each of the 9 neighborhoods has a Neighborhood Team Leader and each of the 3 Districts has a District Coordinator.


CERT members direct questions or requests to their Neighborhood Team Leader, who will pass them up to their District Coordinator for delivery to the CERT Program Manager at the Fire Department. District Coordinators will receive updates and other CERT information from the CERT Program Manager and pass it along to the Neighborhood Team Leaders, for distribution to their individual members.


Coordinator:   TBD

Neighborhood One

Neighborhood Two

Neighborhood Three


Coordinator: Karin Patterson

Neighborhood Four

Neighborhood Five & Six

Neighborhood Team Leaders:

Larry Shaw & Cathy Keys


Coordinator:   TBD

Neighborhood Seven & Eight

Neighborhood Nine

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